

Not just tea – but Qualitea.


Categorized into numerous grades, each tea will hence present its own unique hue and texture, depending on which grade it has been classified under. Grades are determined by the number of adjacent leaves that are plucked along with the bud at the very top (it is the bud that is known to contain the highest level of flavour and colour when it comes to the tea plant. What’s more, smaller the leaves, higher the quality too). This catalog provides comprehensive insight as to what can be expected with each particular grade.

Black tea leaf tea

Black tea – TeaBag

  • Pekoe Fannings - (PF)

    Medium sized leaves which are otherwise fairly neat and clean, yet contain traces of granular particles and fibre.

Green Tea

Other special teas

  • Raspberry delight

    Fine quality black tea leaves sprinkled with pieces of pure and tender raspberry.

  • NGT soursop

    All-natural green tea sprinkled with pieces of pure and tender soursop.

  • Black tea fruit magic

    Fine quality black tea leaves sprinkled with pieces of pure and tender fruit varieties.

  • NGT with jasmine flowers

    All-natural green tea sprinkled with petals of pure jasmine flowers.